Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC, is a Midwest-based company that specializes in extending the life and durability of roads through its asphalt preservation and rejuvenation services. Our company is led by civil engineers. Everyone at CAM, from our road crews to our business development representatives, has a deep technical understanding of asphalt pavements and our products.
Scientifically Proven Asphalt Preservation Products
Road surfaces take a beating every day. The sun’s ultraviolet rays, the harsh chemicals used to treat ice and snow and the sheer weight of modern traffic all cause damage to the maltene factions that hold the asphalt together.
By spraying new or aged asphalt surfaces with our petroleum maltene-based products, we can preserve and rejuvenate the road. This adds between five and 10 years to the life of the pavement.
CAM has been manufacturing, distributing and applying Reclamite Preservative Seal, CRF Restorative Seal, COHEREX Dust Control and other asphalt preservation products since 1980.
These products, which have been used on asphalt surfaces since the 1950s, have decades of proven performance and have undergone rigorous testing to ensure they provide the best results.
We have customers who have been using Reclamite and CRF for more than 30 years and who can legitimately say they are getting more pavement life. None of the newer products on the market have that kind of testing.”
Jack Witte, President, CAM
Our Clients
CAM works closely with public works directors and managers at the Midwest’s cities, villages, counties and townships to preserve the region’s streets and roads.
It holds contracts with the Department of Transport under its highway maintenance programs.
The company also works with private organizations, such as commercial campuses and homeowners’ associations, that manage privately owned parking lots and road systems.
Our Service Region
We service the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Professional Affiliations
CAM is a member of the following professional organizations:
American Public Works Association (APWA)
Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Alabama, Iowa, Arkansas
Missouri Association of County Transportation Officials (MACTO)
Illinois Association of County Engineers
Missouri Asphalt Pavement Association